Crikey man, this is something! Mourning and celebrating his loss. Yet only a piece of what you have going on here. Imagery. Sensual. Melancholy. Pensive. I have to stop because don’t think I will run out of words.
Didn’t I already do a Cohen reference to another work of yours? And now you write this. How about that👍😄
Awhile ago I wrote a draft of a backstory to his version of Hallelujah. I will have to look to find a publishing home for it. Might be too bordering on erotica for Scrittura. If I do something with it, will send you a heads up. Both of his being L.C. fans.
Happy weekend, my friend.
P.S. When you get chance will really appreciate your answer to my question in a comment to you, yesterday or the day before. Gulp. The days just blend together in these pan-dam-demic times…