Babes, this piece is spot on, excellent, needed saying.
Given the leaked RvW doc along with all the other messes around us, one would think the entitled 1% might...might just pause and wonder if ultimately their selfishness will bite them in the ass.
Maybe, just maybe many (too many) in the 99% will continue to suck it up. I dunno.
Given that the 99% are told daily in one way or another " Wait your turn, work hard, keep your mouth shut and someday soon your ship will come in and you too will be part of the 1%."
Huh? Really? Not to slam ambition, I applaud determination. But one can be very successful, live a good life and still be in the 99%, just sayin'.
But you know...anyone believing this crap: that today you might be doing minimum wage work but tomorrow, magically, you might own the latest hot social media company...well hell, you would definitely want to vote for a party refusing to tax the 1% right? Keep things perfect for when you make your first billion.
Oh and the dress and Ripley's B-i-o-N Museum? So Julia Child's kitchen goes in the Smithsonian, because of her very impressive accomplishments related to food and improving Americas' relationship to food.
Yet Marilyn with all her acting talent gets Ripley's. Hmmm again. Like you said, she is reknowned for her role as a Kennedy plaything, not her incredible talent as an actor.
And of course with the far right mentality taking over faster and faster than cheese on a pizza, it's fine to applaud domestic arts but sex? ("shhhhh that's only for making babies," they say with fingers crossed behind their backs and noses growing like Pinocchio) And acting, hell, those accolades are for ,you know, the boys: Bogart, Douglas, Gable...(long list)
Do not get me started on the Kardashians. One question though: Why does our society admire and worship lack of intelligence, faking lack of intelligence and vacuous minds? Hmmm for the third time: way to keep a huge chunk of the 99% distracted?
Sherry-girl, you get me going. Again, what an excellent essay you wrote. Prodding and facilitating engagement and discussion, girl you have that gift too.