Another of your first class articles, James. Everything you write is what we face for our present, near and distant futures.
And that sentence about the court’s support for money and the interests of big business. Isn’t that the foundation of this whole thing?
In simplistic terms, the owners of these mega corporations would like nothing better than zero taxes, zero regulations(including minimum wage, number of hours worked, working conditions, etc)
So with that in mind, lets flood the population numbers by women churning out babies at horrific rates. (And hey, as an aside, constant pregnancies, shitty healthcare opportunities and the resulting child care and related struggles will wear women out, occupy 100% of their focus and in many cases, kill them)
Now in this future, Corporation X looking for say, 1000 new positions to be filled receive 50, 000 applications. All these from babies now older than 6 or 8 or 12 years old ( not to mention adults applying too),needing to work. Corp X offers fifty cents an hour, 18 hour workdays, no overtime, and worse…take it or leave it.
Sounds far-fetched, I know. But look around, impossible? I think not.
I hope you saw the article by Jessica Wildfire where she describes a conversation between GW Bush and a waitress in a diner. The waitress talked about having to work 3 jobs to make ends meet. W, out of touch with reality like the rest of his ilk replied, (I use my words to summarize) with praises for her drive and energy and her good fortune to be lucky enough to have the opportunity to have 3 jobs. The ol’ “good for you” shtick.
James, I fear for this point in the earth’s existence. Will people rally enough to make a difference? Will they turn out in droves to vote democrat, every chance they get, even when disillusioned with the dems? Will they bury their heads in the sand and pretend “nothing’s gonna change”? Will people choose to critical think? Will voters also get involved in grassroots ways to reform and improve the dem party? Will all the white women who voted for Trump last election ( 55% I think?)realize that they too will suffer? Will Republican women realize they will be swept up with what happens to all women?
So many questions and I shudder at the possible answers. Of course the right smirk and cheer as they consider the same answers I am dreading.