Annelise. Hi! What an effective way to address this topic. Really good writing, my friend.
I totally agree about the position of money in the whole decision making process relating to employment.
Sadly, I have often found that being true to one's self and considering the "happiness factor" first, often, especially for a woman, has some unfortunate consequences.
Not that I am suggesting to focus first on money, no I'm not. I have just found that the "Lindas" of the world, particularly when the recruiter is a male, are deemed to be willing to "work for peanuts". All because money was not their first focus.
Which of course is not true.
We can put happiness and satisfaction first AND expect appropriate compensation for our qualifications and efforts.
Wow, huh. We still have a lot of educating to do in this world of ours. ⭐️😀