Ahhh Thief. My friend, Medium buddy, Uber-talented writer and poet. Thank you for staying in touch while I navigate this family war of mine. Ugliest of ugly best describes the whole damn thang.
Luckily it is one hell of a good love story surviving the stoning. Maybe I should turn it into a hurting C&W song.
Or a the basis for a new thriller? So surprising to see the wolves under the fluffy-white sheep outfits worn by this tribe.
All to say, I miss having time to read and interact with all my favorite writers here, especially including you. I plan on making good on my promise to be back. Trying to publish one piece per month right now is a challenge but that will get better soon. Or almost soon.
Do you know the David Usher piece Black, Black Heart? Based on the nature of the poem I was conflicted about which version of the Lakme Flower Duet to include. Because yep, a lot of black hearts in this tale of mine…
Then again a truckload of drama here and there makes certain one stays on one’s toes🙄👍🥰