Ah ha. The online dating possible-not-possibles. We know those. Too bad the signals were mixed and it ate up precious time as you discovered that in his case, “ not possible” rules. And then of course there is the work thang. Could be ok but needed a different guy than this one. Takes time, my new writing friend, takes time. I have to wonder what she-of-the-former-relationship with this fella would tell you. No matter. It’s a blip in your wonderful life. And there were some enjoyable moments I see. Never all bad. Well…errr, I shouldn’t ‘t say that…there was that guy with old food bits and, and …and I think it was actually mixed with mold…all over his shirt. That was a 2 minute opps I gotta run encounter. So thanks Claire J. Harris you have inspired me and caused me to remember some dating stories. I just might pick up my prime typing finger( pathetic that I even announce my lack of good typing skills) and write a tad about one or more of them. Thx for your writing. Yes, by golly, I do like it!!