Absolutely we ALL need to read this article. Everyone of us. Thank you Jessica Valenti for writing it.
For those of us still healthy AND doing all behaviours currently necessary to protect not only ourselves but everyone else around us…getting out of bed each day with a positive, proactive plan in place is no cake walk. This is where positivity comes in.
That successful morning rise I mention above, as we all know, is not easy. This week for many of us, is week number four. For others in the world it is months, not weeks. We need to find ways to put in ‘good’ days in these new and extremely limiting circumstances.
This is a lot of work. But for Pete’s sake people, I am addressing those who are healthy right now. We owe it to humanity to suck it up and do what we need to do. We owe it to all those currently sick and the families of those dear souls no longer in this world.
I am pausing as I write, reflecting on the inexcusable size of our death toll. The pain, loss and, heartbreak surrounding us. Life on earth will not be the same. It isn’t now.
Wait…there is even more hard work. While we now do our best each shut-in day, we need to ignore the horse manure around us saying : Don’t worry, be happy. (yes, that song) Also : Everything’s gonna be all right.
Because, sure. If we are staying mentally positive to get our asses out of bed today…please, please may we get a break in this mountain climb we are on and generalize that ALL will eventually be ok?
No. We cannot. No break. And stop listening to the daughters, politicians, others preaching drivel.
We have to do ALL the hard work because Jessica, in this article of hers, is 1000% right.
This then is the fundamental problem. The reasons why so many today are not observing social/self distancing/isolation/quarantine. Why so many are making up their own self-serving rules for these practices. Why Jessica is able to post a photo of a big crowd in a NYC public space two days ago.
Humans are being asked…required to do some very hard work. Huge efforts. A lot don’t like this. Easy peasy is the preferred default position. Yet we do know don’t we, that the world does not work like that. Never has.
However when some uppity-uppity rich dude is saying: Listen to me, it’s easy. It’s nothing, just a flu. Ignore it. All will be fine. Go back to work, the economy needs you. Why wouldn’t a chunk of the population want to listen to this bologna? After all, those are rich, smart people saying these words to us. Um…no, people. Wake the fook up.
Sad to say, for many this effort to ‘flatten the curve’ is merely inconvenient and ignorable. ‘Cause hey, it’s hard work. And what do “ I” get out of it…
Yes to excellent calling-it-like-it-is writers.. Jessica Valenti and Linda Caroll ( see Linda’s fine comment below)…Will people in general finally learn and will the world become more compassionate once the day finally arrives…a long time from now…and this is over? I certainly hope so. What a price to pay for learning that greed, tunnel vision and, hate produces, in the end, no value whatsoever.
PLEASE IN ADVANCE, EXCUSE ME. This article Jessica wrote is so important that I wish I could help the world to see it. The least I can do in my additional note below is mention a few of the tons and tons of fabulous writers I know on Medium. Jessica Valenti being tops among others on the list. You too Linda Caroll
In the interest of Medium comment etiquette: I do apologize for the long length of my response. I also apologize for taking this space to mention some other writers. I am new here, as a writer, but I do know to keep my comments short and mentions few, if any. I am over-stepping here because this is all so very important. These are times are like no other. Thanks for bearing with me. Thank you, Jessica. Again.
I want to make certain these following fine folks and writers see Jessica’s essay. My apologies to all those talented writers on Medium I do not mention. There are hundreds of thousands of you.
James Knight Jack Herlocker Helen Cassidy Page Kristi Keller Adam, Diabetic Cyborg Sherry McGuinn Aurora Eliam, CMP Pavane Ravel Austin Briggman Terianne Falcone Ingela Canis Prickly Pam John Gruber Elle Beau ❇︎ Charlotte Franklin Kristen v.H. Middleton Carrie Wynn R Tsambounieri Talarantas Lynne Nardizzi Simran Kankas Dennett Kathy Jacobs Jk Mansi Kay Bolden Agnes Louis Mike Schoenhofer Sandy Pace Jennifer Rosater Lorna Ye Jenny Justice Jun Wu Terry Smith Francesca Brandani Gladysdaeweeks Darrin Atkins Rebecca Romanelli Sylvia Wohlfarth Marie A Bailey Marie Prichard Rose Mary Griffith Cheryl Brown Amy Marley Julia E Hubbel Chris Hedges 🦄 Bridget Webber Bridget Mary Boyle Brianna Bennett Guérin-Kairu Asante Andrea Essenpreis Annelise Lords Kathryn Dillon Gillian Sisley Katy Velvet Nicole Bedford Elle Rogers Michael Ramsburg Stephanie Marquis Markham J Moody Denise Larkin Joy Jade Lee Chloe Cuthbert